Monday, September 12, 2011

My first TLR - Rolleicord IIb 我的第一架双反-禄莱科德。

I am always a guy who like something old and vintage. After my first touch with DSLR, I am moving backwards and got myself into film photography. Which I always thinking of I need to learn from the begining and learn from the basic. This is because of I am feeling like I am lack of something when I am into digital photography. An experience about the real photography by using film.....

So after a year of saving (yeah... I am a cheap labour with low pay) and did some research, I got myself a Rolleicord IIb which manufactured in year 1938. From wikipedia: The Rolleicord was a popular medium-format twin lens reflex camera made by Franke & Heidecke between 1933-1976. It is a cheaper version of Rolleiflex which aims at ameteur photographer who could not afford the expensive Rolleiflex. It is with a simplified version of film advance mechanism by using a knob intead of crank which found on Rolleiflex.

The Rolleicord I had was with a letter of DRGM on the left of the front camera which stand for Deutsches Reichs Geschmacks Muster (means German Design?) which made in somewhere World War II. With Zeiss Triotar 75mm f3.5 lens. It is required to reset the film counter after loaded the film. There is a small screw look alike button on the right side of the body which near the film counter (normally placing behind the focusing knob and don't lose this button). Just pull out a bit and the film counter will automatically jump to 1.

And there is no lock mechanism, so that it is very easy to have double or triple exposure accidently.

Mine was with a darker ground class due to age. Film advance giving me problem too. So, have to pay extra attention when advance the film. Else, it might overlap or gonna waste too much of gap in between 2 frames.

It was my first TLR. But I didn't keep it for long. Sold it after few months keeping it. But it was a simple and easy TLR to use. Suggest send to CLA ( Clean, Lubricate and Adjust) if you have any an old TLR at home. The shutter blade might stuck or not working in accurate speed if keeping in dry place for too long.

Perhaps, I will get another one in near future. Since the price is not so expensive and suitable for beginner.


我的那架禄莱科德的前方有着DRGM的字样 (Deutsches Reichs Geschmacks Muster).可能是代表德国在二战时期制造的吧。用的是蔡司75mm f3.5镜头。这架机在上片之后需要把那在右边的小银钮拉一拉。那过片记录就会从1开始算起。那小银钮通常都是在对焦钮后旁。可别把这颗银钮丢失了。




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